Skulls – An Introduction: What Do You See?

Skulls – An Introduction: What Do You See?

It’s interesting to discover how one man’s production of carved wooden skulls connects to history, mythology, anthropology, psychology, and even physiology…There’s a small part of the human brain that has a very specific responsibility: it recognizes faces. This...
Skulls in Art: Better than Pictures

Skulls in Art: Better than Pictures

Original oil painting by Frans Hals, 1625 typifies the Vanitas genre with symbolic images of a nearly-extinguished candle, a wilting flower, and of course, a skull. Photograph from Wikipedia Commons. When photographic techniques and equipment were developed, artists...
Tattoos: Skulls to Wear

Tattoos: Skulls to Wear

Long ago and right now, one of the images most frequently tattooed on people’s bodies is skulls. Whether they be grinning, smiling, threatening, wrapped in ribbons or words or flowers or flames, skulls seem to be nearly universal in appeal.As one website dedicated...
Skulls in Literature

Skulls in Literature

Did you know that a skull has one of the most recognized and beloved roles in Shakespeare’s plays?In “the Scottish play” (theater folks know about the “curse” that is attached to Hamlet, and won’t say the title aloud), the hero, Prince Hamlet, is tossed a skull that...
Skulls: Funerary Objects Around the World

Skulls: Funerary Objects Around the World

There’s a certain accessory that sometimes holds a place of focus in the homes of trendy young fashionistas: skulls. Skulls realistic, skulls stylized, wood skulls, 3D wooden skulls, skulls decorated and skulls plain, and although it sounds a trifle gruesome to some,...